
You will need a glue gun and some sharp snips to cut the cedar sprig.

If you decide to use natural cedar plan ahead so the favor boxes are made no more than a few weeks before the event as the cedar gets brittle when it drys out.
A logical alternative would be to find some artificial or silk facsimile.

We chose cedar for its color and for the way the leaves on the branches lay flat forming a nice foundation for the pink roses.

Dried roses or artificial ones can be easily found. If you are using natural dried roses make sure the outsides are not going to flake off. If they do you will lose the decorations as the petals stick to the box while the bud falls away.

  • Cut enough pieces of green for the whole job.
  • Lay the greens face down in front of you with the box close by.
  • Place 3 or 4 drops of glue on the greens and quickly press them into place before the glue starts to cool
  • Hold the branch in place until the glue cools and repeat until all boxes are done.
  • Check the boxes to be sure the greens are firmly attached and use an extra drop of glue here and there where necessary.
  • Hold a rose in one hand and apply a bit of hot glue to the spot where the rose will contact the cedar.
  • Quickly press the rose in place and hold firm for a few seconds while the glue cools.
  • When you are finished go back and check for loose spots and tack them down with a spot of glue.

Tip….Before you start try different angles and cedar sprig lengths to see what looks best.

A drop of 2 of cedar or rose oil just prior to the event will add and extra special touch.
Be sure to always use high quality fragrance oils or essential oils or the effect may be spoiled by a bad smelling favor box.

Transport them with care and bring the hot glue and some spare parts to the reception hall just in case.

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