It is about time we got back to the blog.

For one reason or another there have been no posts and I am sick of it, not to mention that spring is just around the corner.

The greenhouse is starting to come alive with seedlings and new plants. This year we decided to work with some fuchsias and we have been rewarded with a bumper crop. They should be ready for spring baskets.

We did have a set back a few weeks ago when the greenhouse door was left ajar on a 15 below zero night. The problem is ice that forms on the inside of the aluminium door when the temperature inside is warm while the temperature outside is below zero. The door appeared to be closed tight but the ice forced it open.

We lost a number of plants but thank goodness there were many more that were spared. The new geraniums were on the bench very near where the heater blows and they were spared.

Unlike the problem last spring when we failed to anticipate a cold night and our crop of regal geraniums was badly damaged.
It is very important that we remember that zone 4 temperatures can dip to 30 below and more. Spring can start early and seem warm but we have had snow on mothers day.

I think we will be doing some work on the greenhouse this season including a better insulated door and new siding for the front and rear.

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