Hummingbirds are among the most popular and most watched back yard feeder birds.
They are interesting in that they buzz and hover, squeak and zoom around.
Hummingbirds are not timid and seem to be naturally curious.
Hummingbird feeder cam.

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Usually, in the east we have just the ruby throated hummingbird but in the west there are about 6 including the Roufus.
This is not however the rule as several western hummingbirds have been spotted in the east.
Also if you see a hummingbird with antenna its probably a “hummingbird moth” which are interesting on their own.
Hummingbirds eat small insects and nectar of many different plants as well as the nectar put out by back yard bird feeders.
It has been said that leaving your hummingbird feeder out late in the fall will discourage the ruby throated hummingbird from migrating but this is an urban legend.
They are urged by hormones which are triggered by outside forces when its time to migrate, not by your feeder.

Hummingbird feeder nectar recipe.

1. Take 4 parts clean fresh water.
2. Add 1 part granulated table sugar.
3. Mix in small sauce pan and bring to boil.
4. Cool before using. Store in refrigerator.


If you feed hummingbirds it is very important to follow these rules.

1. Only use sugar water for hummingbird nectar. 4 parts water to 1 part plain granulated sugar. ( See nectar recipe and guidelines below. )

2. Clean the hummingbird feeders before you fill them. Follow the manufactures guidelines or use warm soapy water followed by at least 3 complete and thorough rinses to remove all soap residue.

3. Make sure the hummingbird feeder has fresh nectar. Do not leave a feeder up for weeks with out cleaning.

4. Don’t put the feeder in front of a window. Hummingbirds may not see the glass and could be injured by flying into it.

DO Leave hummingbird feeders out late in the season than you think. The hummingbirds know when to migrate. You will not do the hummingbirds a favor by removing a source of food when they need it the most.

5. Do not attempt to tame or train your hummingbirds.

6. Consider using a hummingbird feeder that does not have a perch. There have been numerous papers written concerning perching torpor where a hummingbird takes in very cold nectar in the morning.

About our hummingbird feeders:

We began making our terra-cotta hummingbird feeders around 1995. We started with the classic tube model and the design and colors were a hit with customers and hummingbirds right away.

For the tube we searched and tested many types of food grade plastic tube. We found that the tube needed a special bend to keep our hummingbird feeders from dripping so we developed a method of heat bending. The only problem was the heat make the plastic more brittle and try as we might we could not find a tube that would not break.

Our customers were not satisfied and neither were we. We suspended production of the tube feeder and designed the new reservoir feeder. The reservoir hummingbird feeder was not quite as popular as the classic tube feeder but there were no more complaints about broken feeder tubes.

Still customers were asking for the tube type feeders and we gave it more thought. Our problem was we were thinking inside the box. Most of the tube hummingbird feeders we had ever seen had clear feeding tubes. But why did the tube need to be clear?

The obvious reason was to easily see if the feeder was empty but that only worked well if you were using a colored hummingbird feeder food and everyone should know that colored food is not recommended.

Then we thought why not use a copper tube? We could get just the size we needed and it could be custom fit to insure there were no leaks. After some trials we came up with the tube we use today. The copper color matched the terra cotta and red glaze perfectly and most important, this new design was unbreakable. Finally we had a design that worked, looked nice and we could sell with out reservation. But why take our word for it.

Here is an unsolicited testimonial.

I purchased one of your hummingbird feeders last fall at the Hilton Apple Fest and love it. I was wondering if I could purchase the copper feeding tube separately? I have a couple of hand blown glass feeders that the nectar drips out of in a steady stream until the feeder is completely empty. Needless to say, I can’t use them.

I think your tubes are curved in an angle that would make these feeders usable. If you could let me know how much they are, I would be interested in ordering 2 of them.

Thank you.
Amy P.

More information on Ruby Throated Hummingbirds.