Most of our wedding or party favors can be personalized.
Now along with the usual wedding and other party gifts we personalize the favors for family gatherings, special Christmas, fund raisers and extra special thank you gifts. Since we make these favors ourselves we have the freedom to design them to our customers specifications with logos and slogans.
The standard cost for personalization is:
25¢ per favor and a one time setup charge of $20.00
We can personalize most of our favors to suite almost any need from weddings and bridal or baby showers to sweet 16 and anniversary parties.
Corporate and company logos are no problem and we have customized these favors in almost any way one could imagine.
Standard in house stamps:
These includes the “peace”, “love”, and the “live love laugh” designs.
The charge for these stock personalizations is only 25¢ per favor and no set up charge.
The font we usually use for the favor personalization is Murray Hill.
We can sometimes use another font but not all fonts will work with the clay.
If you wish to use another font or if you have a logo or design please contact us first.

Personalized terra cotta leaf with Names and date. The leaf veins are on the other side.

White heart with love stamp. We also offer “Peace” and “Amor”. Others by request.

Personalized Dove with Names and wedding date

Dove ornament shown with “peace” stamp.

Personalized terra cotta heart with Names and wedding date.

White heart with sponge painting showing bride and grooms names and date.

Personalized chime top in porcelain.

Personalized chime top in stoneware.
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