While reading about basil in “The Healing Herbs” we were amused to find that to the ancient Greeks and Romans, basil was the symbol of hostility and insanity. And to grow truly fragrant basil one had to shout and swear angrily while sowing the seeds. If nothing else it might serve to blow off steam.
The tomatoes plants are growing fast in this warm weather. Last week was very hot and dry and it was looking like we would need to water the plants but a good soaking rain, about 2″, came and solved that problem.

Now the problem is to get them staked. We use 4′ bamboo poles and strips of T-shirt material. The knobs on the bamboo keep the knots from slipping down the pole.
As a matter of fact our dug well has water to the top. We must remember to get some mosquito cakes to keep the larva from developing. There are plans in the works for a screen to keep the mosquitoes out but it is pretty far down on the priority list.
If the weather turns damp we may be in for a dose of the “blight” that we saw last year. The early blight was brought in from store bought plants and is carried on the wind. Even our northern grown plants were subject to damage. We talked to out greenhouse inspector this weekend and he said at this point the blight is not in our area but it might do well to spray some copper based fungicide. There are copper based products that are considered organic. We have some other organic products we will be using as well.
The squash and cukes seem fine and there are small 3″ fruit on the yellow squash vines. In a few days we should have some nice little squash.
The peppers love the hot weather and are gowning nicely with small fruit started as well.
Lastly tonight is the second farmers market held at the Cooperative Extension in Watertown. We went last week and a group of brave gardeners braved the heat to offer greens, tomatoes, cheese, bread and other local products. This market does not allow crafts or rummage or imported vegetables when there are vendors with stock.
So better get down and tie the tomatoes up off the ground.
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